Certification according to ISO 22301:2012

Quelle: www.bsigroup.co.in
In 2012, based on British Standard BS 25999 und other international sources, two new ISO standards for Business Continuity Management have been issued:

 ISO 22301 (strat. guidance) and ISO 22313 (techn. requirements)

These new standards provide a valuable guidance of how to set-up, manage and improve an effective system for Business Continuity and helps companies and organizations to demonstrate their clients and customers how they will ensure continuity of their operations in case of an unplanned adverse event.

The international standard for BCM, ISO 22301:2012, specifies the requirements for implementation and application of an effective Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). It enables internal and external experts to assess an organization´s capability to meet both regulatory and all their stakeholder´s needs.

In accordance with modern management system standards, ISO 22301:2012 applies the PDCA-cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) for development, implementation, monitoring and continuous improvement of an organizations´ BCMS.

The following figure describes the PDCA-cycle according to ISO 22301:2012:

© Dr. Bellof Consulting

If you want to prepare for a certification of your BCMS or simply want to check the maturity level of your own BCMS with modern benchmarks, we will be happy to support you.

Dr. Bellof Consulting have excellent experience and qualification demonstrated by BSI-certified Lead Auditor training. Please don´t hesitate to contact us..